Source; Tiaformazione

Curating Social Media

The best way to curate social media is by ensuring that not all content that comes to mind gets published. This entails posting only what is relevant for the time and context. In this manner, one is able to be of benefit to the audience since all content posted are useful both for the consumers as well as the profession or organisation at hand. The best curation techniques include perusing through email newsletters, following hashtags and being up to date on current affairs such that accounts owner stays in line with trending topics. When posting articles about particular people or organisations also, it is important to ensure that the content matches social and professional expectations so that personal image on public space remains intact. This is just as Jody put it that it is important to stay careful whenever publishing because in some near future, prospective employers could be in possession of the information posted today which will greatly affect the possibility of being employed.

Risks and Benefits of Engaging with a Public Audience in a Media Space

For personal branding and whenever one is in a position of influence, social media participation comes with a number of advantages as well as the opposite. Just as Jody Vance opined, “social media complicates things while also bringing out your strengths.” Among the benefits is that social media makes communication easy across all members of your audience all over the world. Secondly, one is able to virtually meet and connect with other people with shared interests from across the globe. With all these chances, one is able to build connections and relationships with compatible individuals easily. The down sides of social media on public image include the possibility of conflicts occuring especially when the audience of particular content targets a certain social group. Moreover, public humiliation normally occurs whenever such posts hurts a particular group hence giving room judgemental opinions and condemning reactions. At the end of it all such conflicts affect personal image in public along with a number of professional achievements.

Addressing Negative Replies

Addressing negative responses and reviews online begins by first giving a quick and respectful response towards them. This begins by thanking the individual who replied for their feedback. Gradually, you make the respondent feel heard by showing him or her that you are taking the respond seriously. During all this, it is important to avoid diverting blame but rather accept the mistake and this involves avoiding being defensive. Always let the disappointment member of the audience win in argument.

How Open Dialogues about Media literacy and Factual Information Create Conflict

Open dialogues on differentiating between real and fake news generally cause conflict since often at times, a number of members in the discussion already believe in false information because it suites their expectations. This according to Julie Smith is largely due to the fact that people are more interested in what they believe than what is true. Trying to tell them otherwise therefore leads to their disapproval of your arguments. Basically, it is quite difficult to alter someone’s perception of particular matters.

Benefits of Having a PLN that Values Media Literacy

Advantages of media literate public network include such a network suiting the current society needs which demand possession of knowledge and skills critical for informed and active citizens. A network with sufficient literacy thus gives the audience the ability to understand the world environment he resides in hence he or she is able to actively participate in its development.


Julie Smith, Media Literacy. Facts Matter  

Jody Vance, Media Voices